A path well-travelled

I recently had a client ask us to curate paths on some very cool topics. They were concerned that people were not finishing the whole path. That brought up a question – do paths need to be linear? Should they be? What is the right way to build competency?
Of course, if you are seeking certification in a topic or set of topics, that is a different focus. That path must include steps, assessments and completions. But what about continuous learning?
I contend that effective learning paths have the following components:
· Provide answers
· Present different types of solutions
· Build curiosity
Let me translate that into L&D speak: a curriculum needs to build skills using different modalities and build engagement.
We need to provide internal and external content that is:
· Just for me
· Just in time
· Just right
L&D translation: personalized, accessible and right modality.
And, the biggest change of all, we need to move from a push mentality to a pull mentality. Stop pushing out what we think is right. Go back to performance consulting, listen and make continuous learning accessible.
As I have said before, we are in the midst of a revolution, but that does not mean that only the new ideas work. Elephant in the room, this means change.