What is Blended Learning, today?
I was recently on a conference call with an large group of learning leaders, listening to two leaders discuss how they have adjusted...

Digital Learning Essentials Series: 1
A new set of blogs that quickly define and address how companies can transform their strategy, adapt to modern learning, and do it the...

Starting small in Digital Learning
I know it can be intimidating to say that learning needs to change. Or that we need new strategies. There is enough change in all of our...

How do we become more resilient with all that is going on today?
No question, we have our challenges: COVID 19 has brought sickness, death, lost of income and social distancing, to name a few. How do...

Rapid Deployment of a new Learning Platform, 7 magical steps
In this time, companies need solutions, ideas. ONE of the answers is to upgrade your learning platform and have it work for a new, social...

The long and winding road to Digital Learning
Recent events have increased curiosity about digital learning. Suddenly, many people are working remotely, which presents challenges to...

I have a cold, or do I? Thoughts on COVID-19 and Learning
I just returned from a trip to Mexico. My first day home, on Monday, I started to not feel well. By the next day I was sniffling and...

The Journey to Unlock Digital Learning
In the past few years, early adopters of Digital or Modern Learning have made great strides. They have applied new strategies,...

Workflow learning, 70/20/10, micro learning, ecosystems: Is there a silver bullet for Digital/
Someone I admire, who “gets” modern and digital learning, said he was looking for “that silver bullet” for digital learning. This is...

Black pants: a parable for self-directed learning.
Last week I was in NYC for a great conference. One evening, I decided to go to Macy’s, near my hotel. The famous department store is...